TOHOKU UNIVERSITY Startup Incubation Center

TOHOKU UNIVERSITY Startup Incubation Center

NEWS & EVENTお知らせ・イベント

Accepting the pre-BIP Applications for FY2024


We start accepting application forms for the second Pre-BIP(FY 2024). 

For details, please check the GAP Fund Programs. 

※In order to access to the application guidelines, you need your Tohoku ID.

※The application form should be in Japanese; however, the relevant materials in English can be attached as supplementary materials.


【Information Session】

Date & Time: Monday, September 9 (6 ~7 pm)
Format: Zoom
Language: Japanese
Target Audience: Tohoku University staff, students (Master or Doctor), and their team members
Click here to apply. (recording will be available) Participation is free of charge.

The session will cover the BIP support system and the overview of the public call, followed by a Q&A session. We will also provide consultation for those preparing to apply. We will talk about how the pre-BIP works and how to apply for the program, followed by a Q&A session.  We will also provide consultation for those who are interested in applying for the program.

Eligibility for applicants: Applicants must meet one of the following criteria:

  • An employee of Tohoku University who is expected to have an employment relationship with the university during the project implementation period and is responsible for the project’s progress.
  • A student of Tohoku University (Master or Doctor) who is expected to be enrolled at the university during the project implementation period.
